CreatedMar 28, 2022 1:38 AMTags📚 Learning🛠 Web Development☕️ JavascriptLibrary🛠 Engineer: Tech | Engineering | DevelopmentLast edited timeAug 10, 2023 3:20 AMPublished?Published⬅️ Back to Resource Library NodeJSTake your JavaScript skills to the server-side! Learn how to fully craft your site's backend using Express, the most popular back-end JavaScript framework! You will also learn how to use a non-relational database, MongoDB. In this section you'll learn what NodeJS is and get your first taste of writing server-side JavaScript.www.theodinproject.comExpress/Node introduction - Learn web development | MDNCongratulations, you've completed the first step in your Express/Node journey! You should now understand Express and Node's main benefits, and roughly what the main parts of an Express app might look like (routes, middleware, error handling, and template code).developer.mozilla.orgNodeSchoolSkip to Content Open source workshops that teach web software skills. Do them on your own or at a workshop nearby. Get started by installing one of our core workshops. Upcoming Workshops Could not load events, sorry! Anyone can host There have been a total of ? events!